Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Paint - updates

Here is the "after" picture of our kitchen. You can't see the tiles that clearly now that I have the picture up.

This one is a bit clearer. Bottom line - I love it. Now it just makes me want to get new kitchen cupboards. I've always loved a white kitchen....

I'm pretty lucky in the sense that my step-father (ugh, I hate saying step-father. I've lived with him since I was 12, he's like my dad, but I already have a dad so I feel like I'm insulting my dad by calling my step-dad dad, capiche?) is Italian, so there's this big crew of Italian men who between them all can build a house. One is the framer, the painter, the plumber, the hardwood guy, the drywall guy..... you get the picture. Anyway, we used "the painter" so it was cheaper then if we went with someone we didn't know and all we had to do was make sure we kept the wine rack full.

Ah, my living room. I LOVE the colours (again, you can't really tell but the fireplace wall is painted a different colour then the rest of the room). Now I need to paint the mantle. White. And paint the brass part of the fireplace black.

My front entrance, I need new curtains or SOMETHING to go on either side of my door, what do I get?

Our dining room. I need art on the wall. And a new light. And a new dining room table - I want a big square one.

This is what you see as soon as you enter the house - I don't know what to put where the table is. It needs colour, something big, something different, something to oohh and ahhhh over.

And of course, my boys.

2 people had this to say:

Teresa said...

It looks GREAT! Have fun celebrating with your family. Darling pictures of the boys.

Chantal said...

Beautiful house! About the side windows at your front door. Have you considered that frosted vinyl you can install yourself. We did that on our main level bathroom window and I like it a lot more than the curtains we had there before. I got it at Lowes and they have many different styles.