Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Finally. I stepped on the scale this morning and it wasn't pretty. 186.4

That means all my hard work from the beginning of the summer was for nothing, I gained it all back on my vacation. I guess if I hadn't lost anything then I would be even MORE right now... right? Anyways. That's water under the bridge. I had a great trip and am happy to be home.

It starts now. Unfortunately, I am weak and can not do it on my own so as of next Tuesday I am headed back to WW (luckily I am lifetime so I only have to go once a month, but I may go weekly depending on how good it does me). There's something about having to stand in front of someone and weigh myself that holds me more accountable then if I do it myself. It's much easier to say to myself - I'll skip it this morning and weigh in the next day. Strange eh? They have meetings on Tuesday night right here in the neighbourhood so it should be convenient.

But I'm home, so I can stock my own fridge with goodies, I can avoid ice cream (there's not a dairy bar that we pass no matter where we go) and I can exercise, exercise, exercise.

So - here goes nothing.

4 people had this to say:

desajair said...

Yay for being home and not being surrounded by temptation!

Did you sign up for the half yet?

Marathon Someday said...

Welcome home!!!!!

We're in it together, babe - don't worry.;-)

I just started my weight training regime today, and will be going for a run later tonight.

Kristen said...

Once you're back on track with WW, you'll be back where you were in no time. You're right, you COULD have been MORE than you are had you not have gotten back on the wagon earlier :)....186 is much better than 190 something for sure.

Christy said...

Thanks ladies - you are all the BEST!!!!

SO far, did wicked today, am going for another walk now!