Friday, November 23, 2007

Lost last week's gain

Down 0.6.

So, looking at my results for the last 17 weeks, it appears that I started off strong and have slowly been tapering off. Sure it's because I'm closer to my "goal" (I put that in brackets because it's my first goal. I will reassess how I feel and look once I get there and decide how much more I want to lose. Putting a goal of 36 lbs was way more acheivable in my mind then almost 50). This week I am going to kick it up a notch. I'm going to try eating half my flex points, and it doesn't look like alot of exercise will be gotten (is tha a word?) so I don't have to worry about what to do with APs.

So wish me luck, I will be relying on all YOUR blogs to keep me going and stay motivated. If I could drop 5 lbs before Christmas that would be awesome because it would allow for the inevitable 2 lb gain over the holidays.

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