Monday, April 27, 2009

I'm a dummy

Our agency is insanity right now with this whole Mexican swine flu thing. But, being the dedicated exerciser that I am, I went to the gym and got all changed for my class. I was the only one in the changeroom and this is typically the busiest class. I thought maybe everyone else was held up with the emergency, but I knew some of the women work in admin so that wouldn't be the case.

Anyways, lo and behold I went at the wrong time. I was there for an 11:30 class, which is Tuesday's class, not Monday's. I stayed in my gym clothes and am hoping I don't get called into anything before the class actually starts at 12:15.

Yesterday went well - there may have been an episode of timbits, but I can say there are still some at home, so I didn't devour the WHOLE box. They will obviously go in the gar-bage tonight. But besides that - my weekend went amazingly well in terms of eating. At this point in my last pregnancy I was eating crap for breakfast, lunch and dinner. With a dessert after each meal. Oooh mental note - buy more chocolate popsicles, they have been perfect at filling the sweet void after suppers.

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