Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Spartan - in pictures

Friday night was spent with my dad and step-mother who I haven't seen since last year (they live in Edmonton) so was very happy to be able to celebrate a Father's Day *with* my Dad!

Saturday morning I was ready and waiting to go to Spartan.  My heat wasn't until 2pm, but we were told to get there 2 hours early and it was about an hour away.  I drove up with my two neighbours and one of their friends.
Beckett, stealing my foam roller after a quick roll before I get going.  I've caught Carson sleeping with my foam roller some nights!
Feeling icky about myself, so I took my picture and posted it on ETF (Eat The Food) group on facebook.
Don't mind the dirty background - our room tends to be where everyone gets dressed and undressed, so there are random items of clothing strewn about.  That's my 3 year old's blankie in the doorway :)
 Here we are, in line. I will say that the spartan race is fairly unorganized when it comes to signing up/getting waivers/registering the day of etc...

Here is before the race:

 This is the hill we are intended to run up... 3 times!  And really, the picture doesn't even do it justice.

 Here we are, after the race:

And youch - my only real injury (beside lots of bruises and scrapes)  I got rope burn on two of my fingers.  It hurt like a biatch, but was happy that was the worst of it.

Try shaving your legs after an obstacle course - tricky!

Today - finger is doing MUCH better.  I even got out to crossfit this morning.

9 people had this to say:

Kataroo said...

I have a 1,2,3 :)

1. You are so pretty and fresh faced in your picture, like a date night and you heading to a muddy race :)
2. I love that instead of just feeling icky you took pics of yourself and posted them on eat the food!
3. your finger wounds look like they hurt like a BITCH!! ouch and cringing

Kataroo said...

and a four :) your awesome!

Chantal said...

Way to go girl! You look amazing, so strong! Congrats on finishing the Spartan Run! I can't even imagine :)

Amy said...

I've skiied down that hill many times and cannot for the LIFE of me fathom RUNNING up it. Jesus you're amazing!

Joanne said...

You took on a huge challenge and conquered it! Now that is what I call a victory.

JavaChick said...

Owie! Good on you for completing this race! I can't imagine doing something like that.

Christy said...

You ladies sure know how to make a girl feel quite wonderful. Thank you!

1qtnewf said...

You are like, SO brave! And strong! And FIERCE!

I would never attempt this...like, ever.

And I'm actually kind of embarrassed to admit that it is because I don't want to break a nail. :/

Teresa said...

Congrats, well done! You rock! My son did the one here a few weeks ago, it was tough.