Thursday, July 18, 2013


If you were to look in my closet you would see a whole lot of black.  With splatters of grey and beige and navy.  A few sprinkles of white, green and blue.

But overall - very monochromatic, dull, black colours.

Every time I wear something with even a bit of colour in it, everyone compliments me and tells me how it brings out my eyes, how great I look that day, even how "happy" I look.

It's amazing what a bit of colour can do for you.  I feel prouder, stand taller and smile bigger.

I always thought black would deflect attention from my size.  Black is slimming, isn't that what they say?  But I think wearing black hides all of me, not just my size.  It hides my eyes, my smile, not only do I physically fade into the background, but mentally as well.

Lately I've been trying to bring colour into my life, and no longer hide in the background.

(I apologize in advanced for the dorky pictures)

This was the dress I am wearing today.  I have been stopped more than 10 times by people saying how great I look, (my closest friend here told me I was losing weight), have you done something different with your hair?, are you wearing different eye make-up?  I'm telling you people, this whole colour thing is changing the way people look at me.

And more importantly? How *I* feel!

6 people had this to say:

Chantal said...

I am so glad you are posting again. I was missing you for that small break. We need to meet up for a chat! You look awesome. It is so sweet that your co-workers see that in you too! I have been feeling very frumpy. Most of my clothing doesn't fit well and I am refusing to go out and buy new stuff since I still haven't lost any weight. I am thinking this is the wrong way to go. Looking at this old clothing makes me sad and refusing to buy new makes me sad. I will admit, I am struggling.

Christy said...

Yes, we do need to meet up soon. I go through days of struggling, and then days of feeling better. Unfortunately, I still let my previous day's eats determine my mood. If I am eating well, not binging, not stuffing myself, then I feel great, empowered, strong.... but after going over my points or simply eating something I know I don't need or want, I feel like crap.

I'm sorry you are in this place Chantal - it's especially hard (I find) after vacation. Baby steps - getting out for bike rides, walks, lunch time workouts sessions are what's going to get you there. Are you back at work now too? I find that the routine of packing my lunch helps immensely.

I'm here for you if you need me, we can make a date and get out to a splash pad (that new one isn't open yet!) or for coffee... with or without our gaggle of boys.

JavaChick said...

For years I wore a lot of neutrals - not so much black, but brown, olive, khaki, because I thought those were the best colours for me. About 10 years I go I started adding in more colorful things and I haven't looked back. The right colours can make a huge difference to how you feel!

Christy said...

JavaChick - I don't think I realize how much of a difference colour can make. You're a smart woman :)

Teresa said...

You look wonderful. My closet is filled with black and white too. The idea that it is slimming and my color but its a simple ploy not to be seen.

Nadia said...

I've also embraced colour! You look fabulous and deserve to feel that way too! i get complimented every time I wear green... It's become my new favourite colour! Haha