Thursday, August 15, 2013

Just in case you were wondering...

Workout 1
Workout 2
Workout 3

Three healthy meals a day are being eaten.

There has been an ice cream cone, bowl of chips, and whoopsie pies.

But I've done a workout each day that I've been here. NO ALCOHOL has been consumed (it helps that my SIL and cousin are pregnant so not a lot of temptation) and my hand always reaches for fruit for a snack.

If that's not a sign that my life is changing, for the better... I don't know what is.

3 people had this to say:

Amy said...

You're rocking this vacation - and looking AWESOME while doing it too! Atta girl!

Chantal said...


Kataroo said...

I"m so incredibly impressed! not only with the killer workouts but the no booze too! WOW your are AWESOME.