Sunday, December 2, 2007


I think?

I have my outfit all ready, my new purse (well, I needed one, I've been using a diaper bag as my purse for the past year) is all set and ready to go. I have my shoe bag with my new cute little Nine West shoes by the front door (little things I worry about? Where am I going to put my boots when I take them off? Logically, I know I can't possibly know yet, it IS a new job and I will get a feel for where everything is as soon as I get there, but I worry about silly things). I have cash in my wallet (not bringing a lunch tomorrow, without knowing about a microwave and fridge, I figured I would just buy my lunch tomorrow and then bring one on Tuesday).

I've read the pages of The Secret that have got me pumped to put myself out there, meet new people, become friendly, be at ease, be confident and all the things that don't come easy to me. But I hope they will, eventually.

I'm now going to be a working mom, it seems only yesterday I found out I was pregnant. Crazy!

5 people had this to say:

desajair said...

What's a shoe bag? LOL--I throw mine in a grocery bag, does that count?

Hey--good luck tomorrow! It's definitly a new phase, and with your attitude, I'm sure you'll have a very smooth transition!

Amy said...

Good luck today hotstuff! :)

Alea said...

Good luck! I'll be thinking of you.

Julie said...

Wow, back at work! Good Luck, I'm sure you'll have a wonderful day! xoxo

Carolyn said...

Your going to have an absolutely fabulous first day at work! You'll knock em dead!
Can't wait to hear all about it!