Saturday, December 15, 2007

Saturday Menu

Breakfast: Raisin bran + milk = 5 (I love my Raisin Bran)
Lunch: Omlette (1 egg + egg white + veggies) =5
Snack: All Bran bites = 1
Snack #2: chocolates from the advent calendar days 1 through to 15 = 5 (they had the NI on them!)
Supper: Mexican Lasagna from ESBM = 9 (6 for the lasagna and 3 for the picking I did while making the sauce... it was so tasty and SO good! I made double and have two left over dinners (for both Jeff and I) and 4 lunches for moi and tomorrow night's dinner for Jeff. I love doubling recipes, if you're making it in the first place, may as well make double!)
Total = 25
Flex = 3

I'm feeling snacky. I may splurge on popcorn again. Or I may have a few more days of the advent and then put it away for the week. We are staying close to home tomorrow and no plans until Wednesday of next week so I don't need to save my flex for anything. And I don't want to NOT eat my points (hehe I'm justifying a snack for later - I'm brutal!)
Snack: 6 arrowroot = 4 (I had bought these for Carson before I realized how much sugar was in them, so I use them to satisfy my sweet tooth every once in a while, normally not 6)
All Bran bites = 1
Total = 30
Flex total = 8

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