Monday, March 31, 2008

Perfect weekend

Friday night - out with KT for a few drinks and some eats (used up all my flex points, but got a salad instead of frie)
Saturday morning - swimming lessons with Carson
Saturday afternoon - Kate and LJ came over for dinner (yum, flank steak, green beans, salad and angel food cake for dessert)
Saturday night - Kate and I stayed up talking and laughing while the boys were out at indoor golf
Sunday morning - trip to grandma's to meet Carrie and the kiddies - then to visit Gramma Millie
Sunday afternoon - walked around outside in the beautiful spring and looked at open houses
Sunday night - yummy spaghetti dinner, lots of laughs and then pjs and a movie

It was great! I stayed within my points (sure, eating all my flex but I had them to use), and ate really yummy stuff. It's all about taste for me, I find it hard to "waste" points on things that don't taste good. I was reading lots from the Canadian Encyclopedia of Natural Remedies, and the chapter I found most interesting so far was the "Functional Foods" which was all about food that are healthy but have therapeutic tendencies as well. That's what we are trying to do, eat the foods that are good for you - all around.

1 people had this to say:

Kristen said...

Sounds like a yummy, fun-packed weekend. Keep us posted on "functional foods" - sounds interesting.