Sunday, April 13, 2008

Home again

I'm back. I'm refreshed. Full of ideas. Wonderful suggestions. Amazing company. Scrumptious food. I know alot of things now. Things I will eventually post about, things I may not.

I am one of the luckiest people I know.

I have the best best best friends ever. I am surrounded by strong, confident, amazing women. They all bring their own experience to the table and offer the most sound advice. They have been through things and come out smiling on the other end. They are spectacular and I owe so much of who I am to them.

I have an amazing husband who took my son to buy a helmet, went to Hogs Back Falls, out to dinner with my mom and Ricky, went to visit, played outside. This weekend Jeff dedicated 100% to Carson which was great. We sometimes get so caught up in taking Carson everywhere we want to go, to do errands, to get stuff done, when really I want to spend the majority of time doing things with him, for him, not just running here and there. They had a great time together and Carson is going on hour 4 of his nap.

I just wish Carson would wake up, I miss him like crazy!

4 people had this to say:

Amy said...

Welcome home Christy!

Not only are you lucky to have amazing friends, a wonderful hubby, and a scrumptious little boy... they are also lucky to have you as a friend, wife and mother!

Anonymous said...

Wow - I admire that you were able to leave your baby behind like that, especially at that age. I could never do it, when I only get to see my little guy on the evenings and weekends - I'm a working mom.

desajair said...

I'm so glad to hear you had a wonderful time! Yay for mini-holidays!!!!

Malinda said...

I believe it is so important that Carson have one on one time with his Dad as well his as Mom. I don't know why but I was thinking about that on my drive in this morning. How I want to make sure to give my husband and our kids time to be together, some Daddy time if you will! :-)