Friday, April 11, 2008


And if anyone sees me today, I am NOT pregnant despite the rather maternityish top I'm wearing today.

I bought it at the Banana Republic outlet store in Florida and it kind of has a cinched empire waist. I wasn't sure when I bought it, but when I tried it on for my sister in law she said she loved it. So I kept it. Wore it today for the first time and when I was in the washroom I thought that although it's quite slenderizing (is that a word?) it would be a perfect maternity top.

I'm not jealous about anything materialistic, it's about something that someone is doing to better their lives. I could be doing it, I'm just not.

5 people had this to say:

desajair said...

I bet you look FABULOUS! But you always do, you bring the easy to fabulous. 8)

Malinda said...

"I'm not jealous about anything materialistic, it's about something that someone is doing to better their lives. I could be doing it, I'm just not."

you have to give yourself credit for what you're already doing even if its something small its still something you weren't doing before. I realized this morning that I'm finally making it to work before 8:30am, it has always been a struggle for me to get to work on time and now I'm sometimes 10-15minutes early, something small but huge for me. And I eat breakfast every morning, I never use to do that. Whatever someone else is doing I'm sure you're doing everything you can do right now to live your best life and when its time to add something (and make it stick) to that routine you'll do it!!

Christy said...

Oh la la thank you again! You guys are awesome. It's a very mommy to be shirt but cute anyways :)

Thanks malinda, I do have to remember that I do things that are bettering my life and those around me - like I said, I hate feeling jealous, of anyone or anything. It's the one thing I would like to change about myself (yes, before the weight even!)

Miss Gogo said...

I hear ya. I have had a couple of moments lately where I have been "green" and I feel absolutely awful about feeling that way.

Miss Gogo said...

You have lost so much look SO good! I am so jealous......haha