Saturday, October 24, 2009

Tasty snack!

While I know different types of seeds and nuts are healthy for you - they are still too "snacky" for me and I tend to throw a handful into my mouth here and there, definitely too many, which probably outweighs the benefits of eating the nuts in the first place!

But, I carved two big beautiful pumpkins (the actual pumpkins being beautiful, not the faces) and had a ton of seeds sitting in front of me, I roasted them.

Just in case you needed to see our wonderful designs (heh, I really need more help in the area of carving pumkins so it seems)

I took Lynn's advice (thanks Lynn!) when roasting them:

-Clean the seeds really well, and lay them out in a single layer on paper towels to dry overnight.
-Put a layer of tin foil on a cookie sheet and spray with cooking spray (or spread with a little oil).
-Toss the seeds with a little olive oil and salt. Spread on the pan in a single layer.
-Bake at 250 degrees for one hour -- stir every 15 minutes.

And they were perfect. Sooo good. Now to put them away so I don't continue snacking.

Before: ready for the oven

After: ready to eat
My son even ate a few! I don't necessarily think because he liked them as much as he thought the texture was funny.

3 people had this to say:

Chantal said...

oh I LOVE the Bert pumpkin! And I can't wait to roast me some seeds. I have 4 medium and 2 small pumpkins waiting to be cleaned!

Carolyn said...

Mmm I loved roasted pumpkin seeds. Thanks for posting the recipe...I didn't know you should leave them out overnight but it makes sense. I find them a little wet when I first put them in the oven.

LOVE the pumpkins!!! Happy Halloween!

Lynn said...

We just bought our pumpkins yesterday so I'm looking forward to my own big bowl of seeds tomorrow or the next day. Yum!

Love your engagement ring :).