Actually, I am trying a few new things. My first off is to BE POSITIVE. I don't think I'm alone when I say that it's so much easier to focus on the negative as opposed to the positive. I'm not sure why that is.
My new rule is: Whenever I think of something negative, I must immediately think of two things positive.
Some other ways I'm going to keep staying positive.
- Tell Jeff of my intention and ask for their support. Even if his support means to kick me in the arse if he hears me being negative.
- Daily positive affirmations: I am an optimistic, hopeful, positive thinking person. I accept that bad things may happen in my life, but I look for positive opportunities in the midst of anything negative.
- Read happy positive optimistic blogs - they make me smile!
- At the end of each day, reflect on the positives of the day. What went right and why? Rather than focusing on what went wrong, focus instead on what I learned.
- Before going to sleep, reflect upon what I'm looking forward to tomorrow
2 people had this to say:
YES! I DID notice before you said anything and was going to comment on it! Congrats!!!! Great job going for the run! As a new runner, do you run the whole time or do you do a combo of walking and running?
Great job using the time you had in order to go for a run! And it totally makes sense--then you've done it and it's out of the way and you don't waste any energy dreading it or trying to figure out how to fit it in.
Way to go!
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