Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Point form

1 - If you freeze your protein shake the night before so you can drink at work when you go there directly after bootcamp, you will need a fork to eat it with.  (Amy, you were right!)

2 - Don't cringe at every picture you see of yourself, try to see yourself through someone else's yes (thank you for this comment, Katie!).  I keep looking at this picture, trying to see my strong legs, my big smile but all I see is fat sausage arms.  Amy takes way better pictures than I do!

 3 - Ever since I started lifting weights and doing crossfit, I take my rings off.  And I never remember to put them back on, so it looks like I'm a single lady all the time now.

 4 - My first attempt at getting ready at work (so packing my shake, lunch, clothes the night before) and the only thing I forgot? Eyeliner.  I can't remember the last time I didn't wear eyeliner to work... not a good look for me.

5 - My manager has given me her son's old golf clubs - Jeff is over the moon that Carson is taking a golf camp this summer.  We'll see if he grows to love it just like his dad does.  On a side note: having golf clubs in your office is a good conversation starter piece!

Happy Tuesday!

1 people had this to say:

1qtnewf said...

Psst...you look beautiful without eyeliner.

I cut back on my morning makeup and eyeliner routine last summer and I haven't looked back since!

You look gorgeous! Try it out again. :)